At the Executive Council meeting held on 19th January 2017 the Executive approved the creation of our own CPF Group. There are over 250 CPF groups around the country and their purpose is to give Party members the opportunity to discuss policies and the major policy challenges facing Britain. It is chaired by George Freeman MP, who also chairs the Prime Minister's Policy Board. With active groups in every region, the CPF is a fantastic way for members to have their voices heard on some of the most important issues facing our country.
Over the course of the last Parliament, the Forum published over 30 discussion briefs and collected over 19,000 opinions from members and supporters in nearly 250 different groups – all of which were summarised and sent to Conservative members of Cabinet. These, in turn, all received a ministerial response. In addition to this, members are invited to attend various regional and national events, such as CPF conferences. Many CPF groups also contribute to debates on local issues and actively participate in campaigning in their constituencies.
Cllr Bob Gardiner was selected at the Executive meeting to head up the T&M CPF Group and his contact details can be found below – if you are interested in helping Bob progress with our CPF group I know he will be pleased to hear from you. There is also a CPF professional team in CCHQ and a regional team led by Mike Payne, Regional co-ordinator of the CPF, Yorkshire.
For further information, please visit the CPF website:
Bob Gardiner’s contact details: 01653 669171 / 07919 288363 bob.gardiner@email